
Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Summer Learning Journey | Day 3

Summer Learning Journey

Activity 1
In fact, I actually would enjoy being apart of a big family but then not. The good side is that there is lots of kids to clean up and around the house, the down side, is that they will also create a load of mess.

Activity 2

Ko Pangaru te maunga    The mountain that I affiliate* to is…
Ko Hokianga te awa          The river that I affiliate to is….
Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua te waka The waka that I affiliate to is…
Ko Rangatira Pomare Tu tōku tīpuna My founding ancestor is…
Ko Ngapuhi Nui Tonu tōku iwi          My tribe is…
Ko Ngati Kai Tutai tōku hapu My sub-tribe is…
Ko Waipuna Te Ao Marama tōku marae My marae is…
Ko Moana ahau I am from…
Ko Adrian Tongariro rāua ko Phyllis Pomare ōku mātua  My parents are … and …
Ko Moana Aroha Pomare tōku ingoa. My name is …

Bonus Activity
The three people I choose was my Uncle, Sister and Mum.
My uncle said he likes to (Go to the beach, take long drives along the country and visit family members.)
My sister said she likes to (Hangout with friends, Go to the beach, Enjoy a day outside sunbathing.
Lastly my mum said she likes to (Have a nice drink with the family, go to the pools, enjoy a day of gardening.)


Anonymous said...

Hey Moana
Amazing work!! Your family sounds like they enjoy summer.. What is your favourite season and why?? Until next time!!

Nicky Bloy said...

Kia ora Moana!

I agree with you, there are both pros and cons to living with a big family! It can be crazy with so many people causing lots of mess, but I guess that just means that if everyone does their bit to chip in and help clean up, it will get cleaned up fast enough! Plus, there'll be more people to have fun with!

Thanks for sharing your pepeha with us! It's wonderful to know more about you and your whanau and where you come from. New Zealand is such a diverse country so I love hearing about people's culture and backgrounds.

It sounds like your family make the most of their summer holiday and enjoy spending time with family and friends... And so do I!

Nice work Moana!

Nicky :)

sarah Glen Innes School said...

Hey Moana

Outstanding work, Keep it up. I love how you finished off all 3 activities. How did you find it Hard or easy?

Anonymous said...

Hi Moana I really like this post.
keep the good work up.
Ka pai

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