
Friday, 19 May 2017

Auckland Omaru Creek

Success Criteria:
I must have a topic sentence with the main idea
I must have detailed sentences to support the topic.
I must have a concluding sentence at the end of my paragraph.

Omaru Creek
-Topic Sentence-
-Detailed Sentences-
-Concluding Sentences-

In Auckland ‘Omaru Creek is one of the most polluted waterways. It is trashed with all sorts of things including rubbish, sewage water, bird droppings and unwanted items of  users. Sometimes people also walk past and use the creek as a public toilet. As we observe the creek each day it is getting worser and worser. This needs to come to a stop. This term we are going to be getting a message out there to stop people from polluting the creeks with all of the things listed above. It will be a difficult job making sure the creek does not get any worse than it is now, but it will be worth it.


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