
Monday, 22 May 2017

Why Parent Teacher Meetings School Be Compulsory.

Why Parent Teacher Meetings School Be Compulsory.

I strongly believe that this meeting is necessary. If we don’t have this the parents won't know about events or things that we are learning at school. When we go home every day we do tell our parents about how our day at school was, but we don't include all of the information needed.
These types of meetings help parents understand what is happening at school. It also encourages their children to do better and maybe do work at home. If they know what's happening at school then they know how to help with their children's learning . For example, if their children needs help with their times tables or work which they may not know, but the teachers will tell them and the parents could possibly help their children with that.
This also encourages parents to be more involved with school. Children will make a big difference in their learning if they know their parents are involved. It makes them feel supported in their learning and they will have better attitudes towards it.
In conclusion I do believe that this Parent Teacher Meeting is necessary based on the reasons above and should always be held between terms.

Friday, 19 May 2017

Reading Comprehension

Reading Comprehension

This article was all Justin bieber. I didn’t find it too difficult but however I had a mishap on one of the tricky questions. This was level 5 but just because I got 90% correct I will still be trying to get to 100%. I learnt to really go into detail and not to just read one paragraph and act like I know what I'm talking about.


Answer the questions with your tutor
1. What is the Māori name for the Treaty of Waitangi?
- Te Tiriti o Waitangi
2. Look at the map. Where is Waitangi?
- It is in the bay of Islands
3. How many years ago was the Treaty of Waitangi signed?
-It was signed 177 years ago.
4. What is the problem with the translation of the Treaty?
- It is not the exact same.
5.How many articles are there in Te Tiriti?
-There is 3 main articles.
6. What does to protect mean?
-To keep it safe/unharmed.
7. Who are all the people of New Zealand?
- Maori, Pacific Island
8. Find two words with prefixes that mean “not”.
-Un, Mis
9. When were the New Zealand Wars?
- 1845-1872
10. What does to improve mean?
-To change or make better.
11. An old lady led a march. What was her name?
-Whina Cooper
12. Why was the lady angry?
-Because there was loss of the maori land.
13. Who noticed the protests?
- People around the world.
14. What does the Waitangi Tribunal do?

- It is a group that negotiates with the government.

Multiplying Fractions

Walt: multiply fractions.
Daniel had 24 rubber bands. He gave ¾ to his friend, Lucky. How many did Lucky get? How many did Daniel have left?
¾ of 24 = y
24 divided by 4 x 3
= 6 x 3 =18  Lucky gets 18.  Daniel gets 24-18 = 6.
Success Criteria
Finding a fraction of a whole number ( set)
  1. I can write the fraction of the whole number using ‘of’.
  2. I can divide the whole number by the denominator.
  3. I can multiply the answer from the division  sum by the numerator.
  4. I can write the word statement. ( Answer the question)

Question 1
½ x ⅖ = 2/10 = ⅕

Multiplication Game

Multiplication Games
In this game it gives you all the times tables and you get to pick which one you would like to practise with. I know my 1,2,3,4,5,9,10,11 and twelve times tables. Yet I am a little rusty on my 6,7,8. Hopefully this game helps me.

This was my score for my times tables on stage 6, I only got one wrong but could still use the extra help.

Measure It

I liked this activity because I was very close but forgot that there is a very high and low chance that I could get this wrong. I liked the netbook one because I got it correct and exact, with the other ones I was close and not far off from the right answers.



Tattoos are known all over the world. It is when a tiny needle is pierced into your skin, maybe several times depending what type of size you are planning on receiving. Here in New Zealand the age is restricted to sixteen, along with any extreme piercings that you may or may not get.

Tattoos are done when multiple needles prick your skin, you do bleed but the tattoo artist wipes it quickly so it cannot be seen. The outer skin cells are slowly dying the more the skin is pierced.

Tattoos are not a very big trend or tradition in the maori culture. Signs to either show your maori is the Moko that you can get. It has multiple swirls and is mainly only seen in black or green, unless you prefer it to be in multiple colors.

In my family I only know of two people that have special tattoos. There is my grandma who has a big moko all around her arm, it was a significance to her turning sixty. As Well as my grandma, there was also my dad who had gotten tattoos on his wrist and hands. This contains the information of his kids which I am the only one on his right hand.

Did you know tattoos do effect your body? Doctors say that when you get a tattoo your blood vessels fight against the ink to try and remove it. It then stays on because the vessels have not succeeded to get the ink removed. It also means you can no longer donate your blood if you have got a tattoo. When the tattoo has been done incorrectly you will find swelling and painfulness days after the tattoo has been done.

Overall Tattoos are good accessories for your body but it is painful and sometimes they can go wrong. Deadly as well plus the hundreds of dollars to pay it off

Auckland Omaru Creek

Success Criteria:
I must have a topic sentence with the main idea
I must have detailed sentences to support the topic.
I must have a concluding sentence at the end of my paragraph.

Omaru Creek
-Topic Sentence-
-Detailed Sentences-
-Concluding Sentences-

In Auckland ‘Omaru Creek is one of the most polluted waterways. It is trashed with all sorts of things including rubbish, sewage water, bird droppings and unwanted items of  users. Sometimes people also walk past and use the creek as a public toilet. As we observe the creek each day it is getting worser and worser. This needs to come to a stop. This term we are going to be getting a message out there to stop people from polluting the creeks with all of the things listed above. It will be a difficult job making sure the creek does not get any worse than it is now, but it will be worth it.


Success Criteria:
I must have a topic sentence with the main idea
I must have detailed sentences to support the topic.
I must have a concluding sentence at the end of my paragraph.

Omaru Creek
-Topic Sentence-
-Detailed Sentences-
-Concluding Sentences-

These days electronics are the mind taking things that consume all of your time.
They can be taken for granted or used for great reasons such as learning projects or supportive games. However then there is the apps which consume all of your time and energy. These conclude of Facebook, Youtube and other popular apps like these. Most people would wake up in the morning and spend 20-30 minutes on their phones just checking the updates on their social media accounts. Crazy enough people spend most of their lives looking down at these little nuisances. We need to get more out there and not look spend our lives on these as we could actually get more stupider.. So get outside and see the world for what it really is.

Healthy Creeks


What do you think healthy creeks need? Currently most creeks here in Auckland are polluted to the max with people using them as public toilets and other unnecessary things. But what can we do to stop this? We all know that the council should be cleaning this up but it is not there fault that people don’t know how to put their rubbish in the bin.

To solve this problem all we could do to help is to walk around picking up unwanted rubbish so that it doesn’t float down to the creeks. It helps alot as well as the last thing to do is clean the stream.It seems gross but look aside from that a look for what's important.

Dragonflies also play a very important part as they help with the unwanted bugs and clean the water. Another reason is that 90% of people are scared of dragonflies,  this makes it easy if people are trying to pee in the creek they will be scared away.It sounds silly but it’s most likely true.

All in all I wouldn’t find it to difficult to just put your rubbish in the bin and waiting to get home for the bathroom. Creeks really do play big parts in the environment as they provide water for us if we have none to respect it at all times.

3rd Inference

I think that it is autumn because the baby is wearing bunny ears and it looks a bit like easter, which easter is in autumn. The baby also looks like he is on a field because of the grass behind him or maybe in his backyard. He might be sad because everyone is finding easter eggs except him, someone may come around and given him a easter egg.

-Include where he is-
-Include what season it is-
-Include what holiday is it-
-Include how he feels-
-Include why he feels this way-
-Include what happens later in the story-

2nd Inference

I think that sarah is in bed feeling sick with maybe the flu, I think she may have caught a bug or been out in the cold for too long. I think she will ask what is wrong with her.


I think that it is summer and that they are scared because they are crashing into the waves with no parents there to guide them. They may or may not fall out as well. I think that a parent will run out and help him.

-Include What Season It Is-
-Include How They Are Feeling-
-Include What Will Happen Next-

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Mathamatics Game

The first activity I wanted to try was the multiplication game. It has easy videos to help you, but I just wanted to stick to the game.
In this race car game you pick either, subtraction, division, multiplication or addition. I wanted to learn multiplication to of course that was the one that I choose. This was my score after I played this game. You can also choose whether you want to set a goal or just race.
This was my score 33 Right and 10 Wrong

The first activity I wanted to try was the multiplication game. It has easy videos to help you, but I just wanted to stick to the game.
In this race car game you pick either, subtraction, division, multiplication or addition. I wanted to learn multiplication to of course that was the one that I choose. This was my score after I played this game. You can also choose whether you want to set a goal or just race.
This was my score 33 Right and 10 Wrong

Friday, 5 May 2017

Multiplication Game

In this game you have lots of multiplication problems that have to be answered.
Here is what in game looks like and when you get a correct answer.

When you get the correct answer this is what it should show.

I found that this game actually does help with my multiplication because I feel very motivated to continue with the activity.