
Friday, 16 December 2016

Activity 1 / Summer Learning Journey

First week
  • Activity 1/ Summer Learning Journey
  • After choosing a country to learn about, write egleast two reasons why you want to 'Visit' that country.

I have chosen Australia because:
(1) Some of my family is there.
(2) It’s not too far from my home
(3) I love their National Icons and the weather.

Activity 2/ Summer Learning Journey

Find 3 Facts about Australia

  • Interestingly Australia is the 6th biggest country in the world. Its astonishing seeming as there is quite a few / lot countries in the world.
  • There are over 750 species currently in Australia. Quite amazing.
  • There is a range of deadly snakes around Australia.

Bonus Activity

Dear Mum, I am going to be visiting Australia. I am going to visit there because quite a lot of our family over there. I love the scenery and everything and I think you should come with me. I will be away for maybe 3 weeks as we all know I get homesick. Although, there are tons of deadly snakes scattered around the country so we better watch out!!


Leopote said...

Hello Moana
Great choice about the country you are going be focused on ( Australia!). You have made your blog post really interesting with the structure. Great reasoning in your bonus activty, but also interesting facts on Activity 2. Great Work Moana.
-Pote from PBS

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Kia ora Moana!

I'm Mark - a teacher working on the summer learning journey programme! I am so excited to read what you learn about Australia. A long time ago I lived on the Gold Coast for about 9 months. It was an amazing (but incredibly hot) place.

Your reasons for choosing Australia are so good. I used to have family that lived there too, but they came back because they missed the cold of our winter (I know, I can't believe it either).

I really enjoyed your facts, they were interesting and I didn't know two of them. I do have a couple of questions which you could help me with though. When you say Australia is the 6th biggest, do you mean 6th biggest population or landmass? and when you say 750 species, do you mean 750 mammals? spiders? animals? fish? birds? I want to learn these awesome facts right, so I thought I better check before telling my family about them.

A funny story for you now. When I lived in Oz, I lived in a granny flat under my Aunt's house. One morning I woke up and it was super hot (as usual) and to get upstairs for breakfast I had to walk up the outside stairs, and there was a huge carpet python slowly slithering up them!!! My Aunty was at the top shouting "Mark! Be careful!" but I said "I'm hungry and that thing is too small to eat me!" It was about 8 stairs long. I know a lot about snakes, so I knew this one wasn't poisonous (though it can bite when really angry) BUT ALSO I had never seen or touched a real snake in real life before, so I got closer and touched it! It felt cold and a bit slippery, but not slimy. My Aunty got mad and said snakes were dirty, so I had to go wash my hands after I carefully walked past it before breakfast. It was so cool though. Could you touch a snake if it was safe in a petting zoo?

Another day we had a brown snake outside in the garden and we had to call the snake people because brown snakes are super poisonous and dangerous.

Can you believe Australia has a speacial animal control unit that anyone can call to get dangerous animals moved off their property and back into the bush?!

I hope to read more about what you learn about Australia. Can you answer the questions I have about the facts?

Tino pai,


Anonymous said...

Gday Moana...I've been to Adelaide and the Gold Coast in Australia, it was alot of fun. I have eaten kangaroo steaks and ostrich sausages and we saw Santa on Christmas Eve arrive at Surfers Paradise on a jet-ski!! I'm looking at Malaysia...check out my blog to see what I've found out so far!

Tania said...

G'Day Moana,
My name is Tania and I am a Manaiakalani Outreach Facilitator - I work in lots of different schools with teachers and learners who, like you, are using chromebooks for their learning and blogs to share their learning. I have been emailing with Rachel and she has told me all about The Summer Learning Journey, you've made a great start. Sounds like Australia is the perfect choice for you as you'll be able to visit family and enjoy the scenery. Yes, you are right, snakes can be deadly! Once I went to Australia to do an event called The Kokoda Challenge - I walked for 96km with my team and it took us over 24 hours. We had to walk all through the night in the bush and I was VERY scared I would see a snake but the only one I saw was dead and squashed on the track! Keep up the great researching, reading, writing, creating and sharing. Enjoy your summer holiday.
Nga mihi nui

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